Power Transport | Kilmarnock
Class 4, 5 & 7 MOT Service
Ensure your vehicle is road legal by booking an MOT test at Power Transport.
Class 4, 5 & 7 MOT Service | Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
At Power Transport we carry out Class 4, 5 and 7 MOT’s which cover the majority of vehicles on the road. If your vehicle is under 3 years old you do not need an MOT Certificate. An MOT can be completed on the vehicle up to 28 days before the expiry date.
- Class 4 – Cars, including 3-wheeled vehicles more than 450 kg unladen weight, taxis, minibuses and ambulances up to 12 passenger seats, Goods Vehicles not exceeding 3,000 kg Design Gross Weight (DGW), motor caravans and Dual Purpose Vehicles.
- Class 5 – Private passenger vehicles, ambulances, motor caravans and dual purpose vehicles with 13 or more passenger seats.
- Class 7 – Goods vehicles over 3,000 kg up to and including 3,500 kg DGW.
To find out when your MOT is due, you can visit the Gov website at: https://vehicleenquiry.service.gov.uk/
After your MOT is complete, we can provide a reminder service for you so that you know next year when to bring your vehicle in.